Friday, November 18, 2016

November's Notes Day 18 - Humbled

Last night was so much fun. Especially once I had got through the official part of the evening.  But then was really a privilege to see and hear all the other award recipients and learn what they had been doing for their communities and the milestones they had achieved. It was definitely humbling to be in a room full of amazing people doing amazing things all because they see a need and because they have passion.

Fortunately I didn't have to go first because that would of been VERY awkward as I was totally unaware that I had to make a speech. If I had gone first well AWKWARD! So very fortunately for me I was a little way done the line up so I had time to formulate something to say in my head before I received the award.  It was really interested to hear a some of what whoever nominated me had written because I had completely no idea.  I was very blessed so have so many of my family and friends along to help support me....because I truly was very nervous.

We continued on celebrating well into the evening with a yummy dinner out complete with an obscene amount of noise and laughter. They say that laughter is good for the soul and oh boy it is.

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