Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November's Notes Day 9 - How Did I Get Here?

Some days I just have to stop, catch my breath and I look around at where I am and ask "How on earth did I get here?" I turn and I look backwards over my life to where I havecome from, what I have experienced and the events and open doors that have led me to this very place that I find myself standing today. People God is truly truly molding you, shaping you and will use every single experience, moment, strength, weakness and situation for good. If you will let him. But sometimes you have to be brave and step forward into something that will cause you to ask yourself "How did I get here?"

Today I found myself in a room filled with 40 - 50 other people, other leaders and representatives from various pockets of people groups. I was there as a representative of mothers and of all women. Of which I might add one of only two representing that group. I was a little disappointed about that. Anyway this opportunity enabled me to meet and connect with a number of people who I would not normally have anything to do with. DHB board members, women working with the refugees, managers of child health,.....I could go on.

So I looked around and marveled at how me....a wife, mother of seven, ex-nurse and someone deeply deeply passionate about excellent maternity care, informed choice and informed consent, respect, being a voice and advocate for the community's most vulnerable and those in need. Deeply passionate.

So while I am amazed I am so thankful for the opportunities that come before me...for the roles that I already hold. Thankful for my God, for those who mentor me and those that inspire me from a distance.

What a crazy ride!

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