Monday, November 21, 2016

November's Notes Day 21 - Faces

A little quirk of mine and I know that I am not the only one that does this. I make faces or figures or animals out of everyday objects or patterns that I see around the place.  It sounds weird I know but I assure you from time to time this comes out in a conversation and I find that I am not the only one who does this.  

Ever since I was a little girl I have been making shapes and seeing figures in the cork floor of my parents bathroom, in the curtain pattern in the bedroom of a past house or the knots in the wood of the ceiling in the house we are currently living in.

If you have even lay on your back and made shapes out of the clouds in the sky then you will have some idea of what I am talking about...its just a little more extreme. Faces are very easy to see in cars if you want to have a try at this....The old Ford Falcons look like Great White Sharks and Chryslers look like Bulldogs and there is one but for the life of me I can't remember what its called but it looks like an Axolotl. 

Anyway I thought I would take a photo of a face today and share it with you, This is a 'face' that I have been seeing every day since we have been living here.  Can  you see it too?  Now tell me how many do you see tomorrow?

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