Friday, November 4, 2016

November's Notes Day 5 - Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to this princess!  Our baby girl. What a ride these past two years have been. I know people say 'time flies when you are having fun' all the time.....we must of been having a blast if that is the case. I am always feeling quite reflective among other things on the kids birthdays....I often find myself thinking about the day and the days leading up to them being born. Frankies journey into the world was just that a journey, a very long J-O-U-R-N-E-Y.  But look what we were blessed with.....a beautiful princess called Frankie Rose.

I love that she has been totally unaware that we as a family have been going through a huge transformation and challenging time in our for her has still been fun and games just in a different place.

We spent the day doing what we normally do on birthdays in our house. Although I did have to relight the candles about twenty-seven more times and she was blowing them out like a boss every single time.

She loved her presents....her new baby doll, new pretty pink dress (seen here) new pram, new stuffed elephant, new shoes among other things. We went for a number of walks up the road and made a number of drivers that drove past smile at the sight of a small girl playing grown up as she pushed her baby doll like a little mama-bear.

Frankie, she brings joy into our lives every single day. We love her to bits. Truly life would not be the same without her.  Our wee Frankie-pants! Happy Birthday xx

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