Tuesday, November 8, 2016

November's Notes Day 8 - Just Keep Swimming

This sums up where we are perfectly. Blank pages. It's certainly not been easy but its not bad either. I mean journeys can be fun can't they. Some might say that it is all in the way you choose to look at a situation.  But lately I have been thinking that basically you have two choices when it comes to how you handle a given situation or problem. You can either choose to handle it badly or handle it well. Whatever you choose you are still going to have to walk through and deal with the problem or issue in front of you.

I have a whole lot of blank spaces in front of me at the moment. For a time there...blank spaces scared the pants off me. But now, being this far along in our journey they have become part of our lives. Spaces or pockets of the unknown, uncharted territory. I am choosing to try my very best to handle it well. I am choosing to learn in the situation. I am choosing to talk with my God about everything and anything. I am choosing to seek Him. Is this easy to do? No not at all. It's a purposeful action and an aligning of Gods Word and His Promises for me.

So even though while we are in this space of our journey....I am choosing to greet this blank space with courage.

"Instead, let the Spirit [Holy] renew your thoughts and attitudes" - Ephesians 4.23

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