Sunday, January 10, 2016

Journaling January Day 11 - Teleconferencing

Eek! I had my very first teleconference today and boy was I nervous! If you are a mum like me you know how things can get once the phone rings and it's for you. 

If three of them haven't run screaming through the house pushing each other out of the way just to be first to answer the phone, then usually you can be sure that EVERY SINGLE one of them will come to you with a dire emergency while you are on the phone. 

From so and so is hitting me with a toy tractor to so and so has wee'd on the floor to "ahhhhh I need a plaster because I dropped a hammer on my head" (has happened) This kind of thing happens every time I am on the phone regardless of how many of times I have told them not to do this.

 So you can imagine my nervousness and why I was mentally preparing myself to be doing mad hand signals and practicing my "don't talk to me and stop sitting on your sisters head" facials .

 BUT I was pleasantly surprised and it went rather swimmingly. No kiddie crying, no interruptions, no hand signals! Winning! So I pretty sure I sounded like I knew what I was talking about and semi- professional and that I had it altogether! Go me!

Do you do crazy facials and hand signals at your kids?  Do you hide from them?  I have been known to hide!

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