Friday, January 29, 2016

Journaling January Day 30 - Blah Nothing Grumpy Kind of Day

Ever had one of those days where you just wake up and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is just plain frustrating? Where nothing goes right and every thing you do turns into a giant drama?

The kids are laughing one minute then yelling at each other over some minute injustice. Every single thing is unfair from the 5ml of extra juice that someone gets at lunch to the accidentally on purpose sneaky splash that someone gets in as one of them enters the pool.

I don't want to adult today. I have far too much going on to even be remotely responsible or bothered with such dramas as above. Both Jamie and I are feeling more than a little fed up with our current situation and today it's taking its toll. It's hot, very hot, too hot. Can you tell I am more than a little grumpy? 

On another note it's a day away from being the end of the question remains, do I continue writing and recording snippets and thoughts from our everyday life as we continue this journey of a Beautiful Crazy Faith?

Are you interested?? Thoughts?? Suggestions?? I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely carry on my friend......I love your thoughts xxx


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