Sunday, January 3, 2016

Journaling January Day 4 - Walk the Talk

Walk the Talk

God whacked me between the eyes a while back and it left me speechless which for me is quite uncommon. I was a hypocrite! Say whaaaat! Yep a great big fat hypocrite!

After spending like forever trying to get my girls to tidy and keep tidy their room. I tried threatening dire consequences, bribing, yelling, politely requesting, making a game of it etc. You name I probably tried it. After a particularly heated encounter of trying to get them to tidy their room I threw my hands up in the air and walked out.....and into mine. That's when God whacked me with the hypocrisy of it all. My room was a mess much like the picture on top. Here I was having a fit about their and mine was no different. HYPOCRITE! 

So from then on whenever I am being hypocrite about something in my parenting God nudges me. If I yell at the kids for yelling, if I tell them to get off technology and go straight to pick up my phone or say no to them about eating before dinner yet I might snack on the cheese I am grating. Kids know these things, they aren't stupid. So I figure we have to be on game if we expect something of them too. 

They are watching us ALL the time, watching how we do life, watching our faith and what they see is going to have a HUGE impact on how they create their own lives and form their own faith. 

So this afternoon before I made a thing of their messy bedroom I thought I better tidy mine. Only took me half an hour ...So for the life of me I can't understand why I can't keep it tidy!!!!????

Do you have a tidy room?  Have you been whacked between the eyes lately?

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